K5 through 12th Grade Schooling in
Hampton, VA
K5 through 5th Grade Schooling in Hampton, VA
Philosophy Faith Outreach Education Center
operates with a traditional philosophy toward education. By traditional education
we hold to the following:
- The teacher is in charge of the classroom.
- The teacher is responsible for providing a structured atmosphere in which the students can learn.
- The teacher has the authority to administer discipline according to the process of discipline.
- Homework is assigned regularly and expected to be completed on time.
- The curriculum is Bible-centered, teaching spiritual truths, morality, and patriotism.
- Drill work and memorization are key tools in instruction, especially in the elementary grades.
- Reading is taught by phonics, and math is traditionally taught.
- The teacher is professional in manner, but servant-minded.
- The parents and teacher partner to lead students in their spiritual and academic successes.
Spiritual maturity and academic excellence are the objectives of Faith Outreach Education Center. We believe that the Christian ought to do a better job than the non-Christian at any endeavor he undertakes for the glory of God. The following is a summary of the basic objectives of Faith Outreach Education Center.
Bible Teaching
The objectives of our Bible program are to win students to Jesus Christ and to teach students the contents of the Scriptures. It will teach them to apply the principles of Scripture to their lives and to develop a love and respect for the Word of God. This will help them hide the Word of God in their hearts and to make the Word of God the major rule of faith and practice when they become adults.
Spiritual maturity and academic excellence are the objectives of Faith Outreach Education Center. We believe that the Christian ought to do a better job than the non-Christian at any endeavor he undertakes for the glory of God. The following is a summary of the basic objectives of Faith Outreach Education Center.
Bible Teaching
The objectives of our Bible program are to win students to Jesus Christ and to teach students the contents of the Scriptures. It will teach them to apply the principles of Scripture to their lives and to develop a love and respect for the Word of God. This will help them hide the Word of God in their hearts and to make the Word of God the major rule of faith and practice when they become adults.
Academic excellence
The curriculum stresses academic excellence and encourages the development of individual talents. Emphasis is placed on the basic fundamentals. We agree that a student's education in the final analysis must be measured largely in terms of his ability to read, to interpret intelligently, to communicate effectively, to compute accurately, to write legibly, and to spell correctly.
Christian Americanism
We teach our students to appreciate and love America and its Christian heritage. We incorporate teaching principles of individuality, self-government, and political freedom upon which our forefathers founded this great republic.
Character Building Discipline
The Bible teaches that the goal for our youth is to see them "conformed to the image of His Son." We are dedicated to the goal of turning out young people with Christian character, self-discipline, and academics equipping them to go out into a lost world and lift up Jesus Christ without fear or apology.
It is our desire to instill within students the ability to distinguish between right and wrong, to take the responsibility personally to do right, and exercise initiative in leading others in the right direction. We believe that a great need of our nation and world today is well-trained Christian leaders.
Unconsciously practicing good manners and etiquette is our goal for students. Good manners and courtesy are the consideration of the rights and feelings of others and not drawing attention to oneself.